Giving an Unexpected Gift
December 5th, 2018
The holidays are upon us.
Annual holiday gift guides have been circulated. Wish lists have been compiled and shared. The annual review of gift-giving and the intentions connected to why we give gifts and to whom is well-underway.
For many of us, we give gifts to people who are important to us and try to focus on things they want or need. In today’s world, gifts tend to be geared towards instant gratification.
Rather than get caught up in the season’s hottest trend or coolest gadget, this year consider giving your children or grand-children a gift that will help them achieve future success.
Permanent life insurance and child critical illness may not be at the top of their wish lists, but they will be a gift much appreciated the older they get. Insurance is a wonderful foundation for them to build their dreams upon.
A child’s insurability will change with age and other factors, as will their insurance needs. One of the highlights of permanent life insurance and critical illness insurance for children is locking in insurance while the child is young.
When you purchase the policy, you can add on the ability to increase or extend coverage in the future even if insurability has changed. This option can prove very valuable should your child’s insurability become a factor as they go through life. Occupation, hobbies, travel and health issues can impact the ability to buy more insurance in the future.
Your child’s permanent life insurance policy contains a cash value that grows with time and can be accessed, allowing for opportunities that may have otherwise been financially difficult. This cash value can help with education costs, a down payment on a home or income when they need it.
Child critical illness insurance can include a return of premium option, if no claim is made it allows for premium payments to be paid back in a lump sum and to be used to support your child’s dreams and future plans.
Permanent life and critical illness insurance give you the opportunity to set your child or grandchild up for success and help them be prepared for unexpected events.
Learn how insurance can be one of the greatest gifts you give by connecting with us.